Jump Timing

What does Jumping do?
We know that jumping is bad because it makes you take more knockback. Also, if you jump while you have no forwards momentum, your momentum in the air will be stuck at a slow rate until you can touch the ground again. But jumping can also be a key component to your pvp skill when mastered, and used at the right time.
When you jump (While sprinting), your movement speed suddenly increases to a higher speed
Normal sprinting in a straigth line is about 6 blocks per second. The moment you jump, your speed spikes to around 11-12 blocks per second. (Reference from squeedometer mod)
. We can use this to hold a combo for a longer time by jumping to catch up to your opponent while they are taking knockback.

This goes hand in hand with normal
As in selecting hits by only clicking once per hit.
hit selecting, and when used in conjunction, your movement speed can stay a lot higher, allowing you to extend your combos by around 1 - 2 hits.